Mon,Mar 10 ,2025

There is an age in which a child shall not be punished for any crime committed. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a minimum age must be established, the children under this age do not have the eligibility to infringe the Penal law. This is not only compatible with logical thinking or local justice laws, but also with Islamic laws.

Yes, a child under a certain age should not be imprisoned regardless of the offense he/she committed.

 I am Still a Little Child to be Punished is a picture book illustrates Article 40, paragraph 3, Item 1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The booklet assigned for this week is issued within the series of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Child's Rights Library series issued by DAMANAT Foundation for Human Rights & Freedom, written by Nabil Ahmed Alkhadher, illustrated and designed by Mahad Alshiekh‎‏, in cooperation with Ashwaq Bakrin in consultation on the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Mon,Mar 10 ,2025