Mon,Mar 10 ,2025

Childhood Space

Nabil Ahmed Alkhadher


Children's place is school yard, library building, or playground. Recruiting yards are not a suitable place for children.

Children need knowledge, recreation, love and care, and it is not their job to join armed forces and participate in armed conflict.

The Article 38 of Child Right Convention call for any state or party to refrain from recruiting children into its armed forces, states shall adhere to this right take all feasible measures to ensure protection and care of children, no one accepts that a child be in a hazardous place to his health and life.

Childhood Space is a picture book illustrates Article 38 clause3 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is provided. The booklet assigned for this week is issued within the series of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Child's Rights Library series issued by DAMANAT Foundation for Human Rights & Freedom, written by Nabil Ahmed Alkhadher, illustrated and designed by Mahad Alshiekh‎‏, in cooperation with Ashwaq Bakrin in consultation on the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Mon,Mar 10 ,2025