Mon,Mar 10 ,2025

Health education for children is of importance and priority.
Basic information related to the health and nutrition of the child, the advantages of breastfeeding, the principles of hygiene, environmental hygiene, and accident prevention must be available for children, those working with them and their families in order to deal with any health problems may face children.
Outbreaks of epidemics such as Rift Valley Fever, Covid 19, Dengue Fever, and others can be prevented by spreading out information on how prevention this epidemic and transform this information into health practices by the child and everyone surrounds him.
I will learn health information is a booklet try to provide you a pictorial translation of Article 24, Clause E of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which advocates for paying attention to children's health.
Child's Rights Library series issued by DAMANAT Foundation for Human Rights & Freedom, written by Nabil Ahmed Alkhadher, illustrated and designed by Mahad Alshiekh, in cooperation with Ashwaq Bakrin in consultation on the Convention on the Rights of the Child.