Mon,Mar 10 ,2025

Damanat Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms publishes its third book in the series of books “Writing as a Project” by the writer Nabil Ahmed Alkhadher, entitled “Skills of a Successful Writer” as part of its publications for the year 2025.

 The third book in this series talks about the skills of a successful writer, such as the writer being able to understand and manage the audience, being a creative writer with understanding, knowledge and thinking, being able to get inspired and generate ideas and concepts, having his own voice, having diverse story ideas, experiencing all its details, being able to build a story, being able to create a story scene, being able to create and manage conflict in the text, being able to create a plot, designing creative mind maps, building good characters, writing good dialogue, being interested in his own creative text, being able to write suspense, excitement and imagination, being able to develop the plot and talk, being able to deal with types of writing such as mythology, history, horror, family, comedy, hero and villain, and creating personal solutions that contribute to his success, such as self-printing, self-distribution and self-publishing, accepting to avoid caveats, being able to present well, adhering to deadlines and having professional marketing skills. The Writing as a Project book series is a series that works to demonstrate the importance of the writer forming himself, his texts, his writings and the project for his success and the success of his creative experience as a whole.

Mon,Mar 10 ,2025