Mon,Mar 10 ,2025

Damanat Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms publishes its eighth book in the series of books “Writing as a Project” by the writer Nabil Ahmed Alkhadher, entitled “The Creative Project”, as part of its publications for the year 2025.
In this book, part of the series of books on writing as a project, entitled The Creative Project, which is the eighth book, the book will discuss the importance of the project’s existence in the first place, its comprehensive picture, its good, comprehensive, and verifiable vision, its clear, easy-to-understand, accessible message to the public, its implementation and verification, positive values, the importance of the goals it wants to achieve, the presence of positive partnerships for the project, the presence of committed leadership, the presence of a project work plan, the ability to determine the priorities of the creative project, analyze the current situation, the effectiveness of project workers, obtain funds, understand and apply planning well in the project, ensure good implementation of plans, and that planning translates the project’s message, ensures good analysis of the project, ensures good design of project plans, the ability to share project plans, ensures that planning contains clear frameworks, comprehensiveness of planning for all project details, ensures that planning translates the project’s mission, vision, and message, knows the strengths and weaknesses of the project’s plans, ensures indicators for achieving the project plan’s goals, the presence of the project’s understanding of the environment surrounding the planning process, and the project’s ability to enhance collective participation in planning.
The Writing as a Project series is a series that works to demonstrate the importance of the writer forming himself, his texts, his writings, and the project for his success and the success of his creative experience as a whole.